Key West, Florida - Tuesday, February 16th

My dad relaxing with his morning coffee

Since Tuesday was still part of our long weekend and we were off of school, my mom decided that it would be a great day to do  a little exploring.  Before we took off on our adventure, we celebrated Mardi Gras - an annual carnival celebration that has large parties and parades in New Orleans, Louisiana.  For breakfast, my mom made us, beignets - a yummy treat (similar to fried dough or donuts) that is popular in New Orleans.  
New Orleans Beignets
Happy Mardi Gras!

After a quiet morning, we drove a half hour to go to Key West.  Key West is the most southern of the Florida Keys and is actually the southernmost point in the continental United States as well. Additionally. Key West is only 90 miles from Cuba. Due to Key West's proximity to Cuba, through the years tens of thousands of Cubans tried to flee Cuba and enter the United States as refugees.  The Cuban refugees were leaving their country due to very difficult living conditions and a very overbearing government.  Conditions in Cuba where so difficult for families that Cuban refugees risked their lives by making homemade boats, overcrowding the boats with family and friends and traveling 90 miles across shark infested waters to attempt to make it to the United States.  Unfortunately, some families did not survive this very dangerous journey.  Outside the entrance of the Key West Tropical Forest & Botanical Garden there is a display of many Cuban Chugs (boats) that were used to travel the 90 miles between Cuba and Florida.  It really was amazing how tiny and rickety some of these boats were.

Cuban "Chugs"

Once we got to Key West, we made a quick stop at the Key West Cemetery.  Key West Cemetery is different than most cemeteries because the majority of the graves are above ground due to the high water table. Also, one of the tombstones at the cemetery had a pretty funny epitaph (see picture).

Key West Cemetery

"I told you I was sick!" epitaph

One really weird thing we saw in Key West is that there are wild chickens all over the place.  Similar to the bears in Simsbury, Key West has chickens - and lots of them! The chickens are all over the place and you see them wondering around as you walk along the street.

Wild chicken in Key West

Also, US Route 1 is a numbered road that you can follow along the entire east coast of the United States.  In August, my family and I were on the same US Route 1 while in Maine. This Route 1 can be followed all the way down to Key West, and we saw where it ends!

End of US Route 1 - Key West

For fun, my mom let me get a tattoo in Key West.  Okay, it was a fake (henna) tattoo that will last a few weeks, but it is perfect for my time at the beach.

My sea turtle henna tattoo

Next we walked to the point that is the southernmost point in the Continental US.  There is a huge painted buoy marking this spot.  Also, next to the Southernmost Point buoy, there is a statue of a man blowing into a conch shell.  This statue is a tribute to a man, that for decades, would blow a conch shell and yell "Welcome to the Island!" to everyone that would visit the Southernmost Point.  This statue is recognition to his unofficial ambassador work during his life.

Southernmost point in Continental US

Statue of Conch-Blowing Greeter - Key West

After having lunch at a beachside restaurant we stopped at Smathers Beach, in Key West, before heading back to our vacation rental. We also saw a beautiful rainbow at the beach.  
Smathers Beach - Key West

Pretty rainbow - Smathers Beach

Lastly, we arrived back in Cudjoe Key and I got to swim in the pool and play Apples to Apples with my family at the end of the day. 

Pool time!

Game night 


  1. Jonathan,
    We like your tattoo! (Also, how is the food there?)
    Mrs. Drinan's class

    1. In general, I am fussy about my food so I am eating a lot of the same things that I would at home, but my mom and my sister are enjoying seafood.
      My mom caused a little raucous a the beachside restaurant by placing a french fry on the ground for the pigeons but the seagulls found out about the french fry and started showing up. She learned her lesson!


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